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  • Credit Card Processing Merchant Services
  • Merchant Account Service Options

    Merchant account service provider Entrust Bankcard can help you get started accepting credit cards on the internet, over the phone or face-to-face . . .

    Accept Credit Cards Now With NO Contracts, NO Leases, NO Monthly Minimums, NO Application Fees, NO Acquisition Fees, NO Customer Service Fees and NO Tech Support Charges.

    If you're frustrated with the search for a dependable, trustworthy merchant account service provider offering credit card processing and other ecommerce solutions, you'll be delighted with EntrustBankcard.com. This is one credit card processing company that makes it easy for you to see exactly what you get.

    There are four credit card processing plans you can choose from. While each offers its own unique benefits, they all have one thing in common. Whether retail or e-commerce solutions, these merchant account credit card processing plans are designed to get you selling fast with the most flexibility and the least amount of fees possible.

    Internet Merchant Account Service Solutions Include

    Merchant Account, Internet Store, Shopping Cart, Payment Gateway, Virtual Terminal & Marketing Tools.

    Mail Order/Telephone Order Merchant Accounts - Entrust provides an easy and powerful solution for businesses or individuals to transact secure, real time credit card sales. The virtual terminal eliminates the need for you to purchase expensive software that quickly becomes outdated, resulting in more money spent in upgrades. Our Virtual Terminal allows you to keep all transaction information secure using 128 bit encryption.

    Retail and Wireless Solutions - Entrust works with thousands of small companies to manage their credit card processing and e-commerce needs. Whether you have a storefront on main street or a storefront on the Internet - or both - we have the systems, service and support to handle your business.

    High Volume Offline Processing with Batch Upload Gateway - Process unlimited credit card transactions from anywhere in the world with Entrust's Batch Upload Gateway. The Batch Upload Gateway is "the solution" for high volume, offline credit card processing.

    Entrust was founded in 1995 with a goal of developing an ecommerce solution which included an Internet storefront with transaction technologies marketed to all-sized merchants from brand new businesses to high volume businesses.

    Entrust offers affordable merchant account service and credit card processing solutions. The product mix includes ecommerce functionality, mail/telephone commerce, high volume offline credit card processing and retail commerce. Entrust has all the ecommerce tools you need to sell successfully online and help your business grow.

    Friends First Credit Union, Member NCUA
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